Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Current Work Life Policy Issues And Recommendations For...

Current Work Life Policy Issues and Recommendations for the Veragon Corporation The Veragon Corporation is a fairly new 2013 startup Texas based manufacturing company which produces electro-fusion batteries for many of today’s new echo friendly electric vehicles. While the initial startup sales results during 2013 and the beginning of 2014 surpassed initial exception, the company has been experiencing a downturn with more specifically a 3rd quarter Fiscal Year 2015 drop in repeated orders from several of the major automobile manufactures. The company has determined that the loss of sales is due to a gradual decrease in the quality of their product which was traced back to the beginning of 2015. Company Assessment of the Current Issues The company s analysis has determined that over the last 15 months they have lost three very large contracts that were worth over 18 million dollars. The company has also seen a spike in permanent employees that are leaving the company for varied reasons such as for jobs that are paying more, for jobs with better benefits, and for jobs that do not require as many hours a week. Additionally the company has lost several critical employees to include one mid-level manager from the Quality Control Department due to the birth of a child and subsequently opted out, or more expressly, she has a family with income and decided to leave the work force. This is becoming a common trend but it only applies to a small group of women who are mostly

Monday, December 16, 2019

Competencies in HR Free Essays

Core competencies an essential method for the company. It helps to develop the competitive advantage over other companies. The actual sources of advantage are to be found in the management’s capability to combine business varied technologies and production skills onto competencies that authorize and enable individual businesses to adapt rapidly to shifting opportunities. We will write a custom essay sample on Competencies in HR or any similar topic only for you Order Now In short, core competencies are the combined learning in the organization, particularly how to organize various production skills and participate numerous streams of technology to accomplish interactions and generate unexpected products (Prahalad, and Hamel, 1990, p. 9-90). In other words, by selecting and focusing on an organization’s core competences, the management is talented to take significance which empowers the organization to attain a greater productivity. The preferred outputs for an organization are increased profits and revenues. The output for an army organization is mission achievement in battle fighting, solidity operations, or homeland protection. Senior management will consequently be judged on their capability to recognize, encourage, and exploit core competencies that create achievement potential progress and revenue for an organization; efficiency and mission success for a military. While great republics usually tend to develop large, all-purpose forces to cover all possibilities and army characters, smaller republics, with both smallest citizens and resources or budgets must consider what core competencies they should emphasis in order to deliver worth additional contributions as association followers, peacekeeping contributors, and ad-hoc partners. These competencies can suggest concentrating on sure position competences. for Volume 9, 2007 Baltic Security Defence Review 222 What is Competency? Competencies are the fundamental elements of talent management practices. They are the demonstrable and assessable knowledge, skills, behaviors, individual characteristics that are allied with or predicative of excellent job performance. There are two types of competencies: 1) technical competencies and, 2) behavioral competencies. Why competencies importance: The first point is to link the competencies model with business or organizational strategies that make the managements understand and define the skills, attributes, attitude and knowledge leads to high performance. Through competencies model the organization sends a consistent message to the workforce about what it takes to be successful in the job. The importance of competencies matrix helps employees realize what helps drive successful performance. It is an approach concentrate on the â€Å"how† of the job. It means the competency model is behavioral rather than functional concentrate on the people rather than jobs. Moreover, competency models consider as an outcome driven rather than activities, for instance, the job description focus on activities while the competencies matrix focus on outcomes. Integrates HR strategy with organizational strategy both focus of outcomes. The competencies framework set in the heart of HR, it serves as the basis upon which all employees processes are constructed (Berger and Berger, 2011). On the other word, competencies model provides an organization with a common language and a consistent and measurable platform on which Human Resource systems can be based. In addition, the competencies model is important because it: †¢Defining the factors for success in jobs and work roles. Assessing the current performance and future development needs of persons holding jobs and roles. †¢Mapping succession possibilities for employees. †¢Selecting applicants using competency based interviewing assessment techniques. †¢Designing and determining training solutions. The competency Model: The competency model classifies usually three clusters of competencies: 1-Core competencies: reflect the set of critical competencies required throughout th e company to shape the organizational abilities and culture required to accomplish the strategic goals. Time management, communication and result orientation are an example of core competencies. 2-Leadership competencies: this type of competencies designed for the managerial position of several level for selection, succession planning and development purpose. An example of leadership competencies are Conflict management, leadership skills and strategic thinking. 3-Functional or technical competencies: consider as a special type use specifically for each job family. For example budgeting and forecasting, policies and procedure and payable are an examples of technical competencies. How to cite Competencies in HR, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

All Animals are Created Equal free essay sample

This paper discusses animal rights causes. The author examines issues of animal equality and speciesism, and refutes arguments made by anti-animal rights groups. Getting animals to have basic rights is still a long ways away, but every little bit counts. As the animal rights movement becomes even more mainstream in the next 10 to 20 years, the idea that animals have some sort of rights will be commonplace (future speak 56). Americans have seen this social trend in many different ways. Common ideas today, like recycling and organic foods used to be uncommon, but today there are health food stores around every corner and recycling bins in every cafeteria. Once consumers take hold of the animal rights movement it will move along at a much quicker pace. Companies that believe animal rights activism will increase their sales, will be forced to conform. The most important question to remember about animals though, as Jeremy Bentham pointed out, is not can they reason or can they talk but, can they suffer?(Ryder 39)